Saturday, April 18, 2009

Lhasa, The People's Republic of Tibet- Nury Televaldi

Today I met with Nury Televaldi at a small crowded cafe on the side of the road, but the setting did not matter, it was the information that I went there for. Now Nury was a smuggler during the beginning of the zombie war. Now as I asked him all these questions I just kept on thinking, how could you do that, smuggle people into other countries, not only that but some of those people that the virus and could infect others. Why would he do this? Money? Reputation? Self-promotion? Whatever the reason he must not have been thinking straight. Anyway Nury's interview was somewhat more difficult than the first because I had to ask questions and he didn't give me the best answers in the world but, at least he gave me some answers. I think he felt guilty about the whole illegal smuggling thing because he seemed to keep to himself on some of the answers and hold back information, but I wasn't going to push him. So maybe there is a connection with Nury and the global infection, but I may never know, the only thing I am sure about is that by his mistakes and his greed the virus spread a lot faster. So all in all this was a very good interview, can't wait till the nest one. Until next time.

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