Friday, April 17, 2009

Greater Chongqing- Dr. Kwang Jingshu

Today I interviewed Dr. Jingshu, I did not have to do much talking or even ask him that many questions, he just went off on his own. I must have sucked, being in the village where the first outbreak started, the images in his brain that would stick with him forever. I don't know how he deals with that, but he succeeds. Anyway, the interview went on without a hitch but, there was a problem, his details were bot the greatest, I mean the details of the symptoms were very well described, high fever, violent shivering, the skin turning gray and stuff. After thinking about the whole war and deaths of just about every person I am wondering, could Dr Jingshu stopped this whole thing from ever beginning, but it is just a though and I don't think things like that cross your mind when you see a kid rip his own arm off, but I guess we'll never truly know. All in all the interview was terrific but, there is always room for improve l and I hope my next interview goes even better and I will have even more information about this whole zombie war's origins. Until next time.

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