Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Province of Bohemia, The European Union- David Allen Forbes

Today I met with David Allen Forbes, a good man by most means, and as far as I could tell. I met with him in Bohemia, in Europe, he was sitting by himself under a tree writing his second book, anyway he seemed like he was in the zone until I came up to him, then he got serious. David was telling me about the castles, at first I really couldn't care less, but then it all made sense, the castles were what protected so many people during the war. He was at Windsor castle on the British Isles, he shared this castle with many people, all survivors and refugees. As he talked on I could not help from wondering about all the way that a castle would have helped out during the war, you have the vertical brick wall, and a bunch of medieval weapons laying around, that could help a lot, I choose to be stuck there if anything. As he continued the story he mentioned how useful it was to have hand to hand combat weapons, the didn't use ammo and you learned what you were capable of handling, he weapon of choose was the ever glorified claymore, a large double sided sword, in fact during our entire interview he had his weapon right by his side. Wow, I can't believe how hard it must have been the use weapons like that on zombies, you have to aim for the head and with something like that a sword it must be hard. Anyway he lived with many others, and there were many other castles out there that were doing the exact same thing, protecting people for the zombie threat, this concluded our little interview. I think this went very well, he witnessed a lot and there for wasn't the most talkative person on the planet, but what he told me helped me understand how the people who weren't in refugee camps survived, they used things that were hundreds of years old. Well until next time

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Parnell Air National Guard Base, Tennessee- Colonel Christina Eliopolis

Today I interviewed a zombie war veteran, Colonel Christina Eliopolis. I met her in her office on an old air force base in Tennessee. She was a nice woman, though she had a temper beyond tempers, but overall nice for what she had gone through. Well she explained that she was an air force pilot during the Yonker's war, or zombie war what ever you like to call it. Anyway she apparently flew amazing fast and powerful planes in every other war she was in, but they discontinued those planes. She was then stuck dropping needed supplies into refugee camps all over the U.S, she did a lot. But it must have sucked, being the top of your class and flying amazing powerful jets, dropping bombs and saving the day then one day they say," We are done" and you are stuck dropping supplies. She made the best of it, until on day making a routine trip something happened and her plane went down in the Louisiana swamps and she lost her crew. Again that must have sucked, you are already angry that you are stuck dropping supplies but then your plane goes down in infected territory, well she made it through. She got help from a Met Fan lady, they apparently listen for downed air crafts and then radio them for help if it is needed. Well she got this one lady and she got her out of the whole ordeal just by yelling at her. Then when she got back to the HQ they said her radio broke in the crash and there was no way she could have used it, this is when you know God is real and that no matter what you did he is there to help you. She finally got back and then she was asked to leave, imagine that you make it through all of that and they call you mentally unfit to handle it. Well she managed to get back into the Air Force and has been there ever since. A good interview over all a lot of detail, a long interview at that, but this lady needed to get her story out, and now she did. Until next time.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Armagh, Ireland- Philip Adler

Today I went to Southern Ireland to the Saint Patrick's Cathedral, where the Pope of the Catholic Church was holding refugee at. While there I ran into a war veteran at the bar in my hotel, he wasn't catholic but his wife was sick and he needed to get her a blessing, it was the first time since the end of the war they had left Germany. ed the interview by Coincidence, maybe I'd like to think of it as a sign from God. Anyway I started the interview by asking him who he was, he was an ex German militant, and a good man at that. He was stationed in Eastern Europe during the war and he was in charge of keeping refugees safe, that is all he told me he did during the war. Anyway while he was there he fought off many zombies, and protected the people there, then his Commanding officer died from a bullet that went through a zombie and struck him in the back. Wow that must have been a crappy way to bite it, your blowing away zombies and then ones spots you and starts moving towards you. You don't see him, one of your squad members does, and shoots him, the bullet goes through the zombies and then strikes you, must have sucked and Philip witnessed this happen to his commanding officer. Back to the interview, anyway while he was leading his squad he got a coded transmission from the HQ telling him to leave the refugees and go to a place that was used in the cold war. He rejected that because he had a "working" conscience, but he went anyway because he would have been charged with treason. So what. So what if you are going to be tried with treason for leaving innocent people behind, if you are getting commands like that, just say no. I wasn't there I realize that but still you have the power. He got to this rally point and met with an old military buddy, e took a bullet for him once, he saw him and let out tears of sorrow thinking about what he had done to those people. He wanted to kill that Commander Lang, the one that gave him the orders, never got the chance. Commander Lang put a bullet through his own head because he was a sissy. I mean come on you tell fighting men that they must abandon there refugees to go to this place to stay hidden, and then the men do it and you put a bullet through your own head, pathetic. Well until next time.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Ice City, Greenland- Ahmed Farahnakian

Today I went up to Greenland to meet with an erstwhile member of the Iranian Air Force Member, Ahmed Farahnakian. Ahmed was a military member during the first outbreak of the war, he went to Greenland because it was a place where people could go and be safe during the end of the war. Anyway Ahmed was in Pakistan during the outbreaks, but Pakistan had its own problems, it was prepared for a nuclear war with its neighbor India, this must not have been good. During this time many thousands of people were crossing the border to find that safe place somewhere on earth and there were so many, and a large majority of them were infected and could start the infection in Pakistan or India. As it were since the towns were isolated and not many people lived there many infections didn't take place, but what if it did, would the whole nuclear war between Pakistan and India been avoided, and how many lives could have been saved in that process. Well some many people were coming through the borders that they had to stop it, there was still a risk that an infection would start in one of those countries, so I think what they did was a little extreme, and they blew up a bridge. Why? Why would you do that there was people on that bridge that wanted to save their families and finally be safe and away from the infection, they never got the chance, Ahmed was one of the ones to drop the bombs on a bridge that would stop 60 or so percent of the migration. So what if people are going country, they only wanted to be safe they wanted to live a life without fear, but I can't stop something that already happen. Well until next time.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bridgetown, Barbados, West Indies Federation- T. Sean Collins

Today I interviewed my first mercenary, T. Sean Collins. He was hired by paying celebrities to protect them from the zombies, and they got a lot of money. Anyway, I met him in a small area in Bridgetown. T. Sean was a mercenary and he was working for the celebrities. There were many famous celebrities, all of them were rich, selfish, snobby whores. He hated them, the only reason he stayed was because of the money and nothing else. He was not very content he killed zombies most of the time, but one night the celebrities hideout, in East Manhattan, was stormed by the people outside of the hideout. As I listened to his answers I sat there wondering, why? Why would you help snobby whores who only want to have money and party, and want to be with other people of the same stature. I angers me to think that someone would do that, who cares if it is for the money, if is worth put down, insulted and spat on by the higher ups, I don't think so. Anyway, only night the hideout was stormed by the normal lower class people, and most of the mercenaries did not do much, because they were hired to kill zombies to people, so T. Sean did not fire his gun all night. Once I heard this I was kind of taken aback because no matter how much money you receive you can't force yourself to do something you don't want. So most of the celebs were killed and T. Sean went to Greenland. This song opened my eyes to the lives of mercenaries and how they aren't all mindless killers. Well until next time.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Meteora, Greece- Stanley MacDonland

Today I interviewed Stanley MacDonald, I met with him at a monastery in Greece, it turns out that some places in Greece were extremely easy to hide from the zombie invaders. Anyway as I was saying I met with Stanley MacDonald, a Canadian World War Z veteran who ran operations in his home of Canada. He was in a war with rival tribes in Canada when he started to hear about the zombies, he didn't think much of it during that time because the war he was in was drug related. He first saw and heard about the zombies from people that saw them, then as he and his group made it to the base where they were supposed to go, they found the barracks destroyed. Upon entry the found bloody cots and a headless body. I wonder what he was things, because seeing things like that would mess with your mind, wouldn't it? I mean a headless body just lying there, even for a military trained person it would be hard. Now back to the interview, he first saw a zombie when he saw a moving hand sticking out of a pile of rubble, and being a normal human he grabbed it, and it grabbed back, and he pulled out a zombie. He killed it but he was the only one to experience it because he was alone. Now after something like that, how much mental help are you going to need, my guess was a lot. All in all this interview gave me a look into how the North American outbreak might have started. Until next time.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Lhasa, The People's Republic of Tibet- Nury Televaldi

Today I met with Nury Televaldi at a small crowded cafe on the side of the road, but the setting did not matter, it was the information that I went there for. Now Nury was a smuggler during the beginning of the zombie war. Now as I asked him all these questions I just kept on thinking, how could you do that, smuggle people into other countries, not only that but some of those people that the virus and could infect others. Why would he do this? Money? Reputation? Self-promotion? Whatever the reason he must not have been thinking straight. Anyway Nury's interview was somewhat more difficult than the first because I had to ask questions and he didn't give me the best answers in the world but, at least he gave me some answers. I think he felt guilty about the whole illegal smuggling thing because he seemed to keep to himself on some of the answers and hold back information, but I wasn't going to push him. So maybe there is a connection with Nury and the global infection, but I may never know, the only thing I am sure about is that by his mistakes and his greed the virus spread a lot faster. So all in all this was a very good interview, can't wait till the nest one. Until next time.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Greater Chongqing- Dr. Kwang Jingshu

Today I interviewed Dr. Jingshu, I did not have to do much talking or even ask him that many questions, he just went off on his own. I must have sucked, being in the village where the first outbreak started, the images in his brain that would stick with him forever. I don't know how he deals with that, but he succeeds. Anyway, the interview went on without a hitch but, there was a problem, his details were bot the greatest, I mean the details of the symptoms were very well described, high fever, violent shivering, the skin turning gray and stuff. After thinking about the whole war and deaths of just about every person I am wondering, could Dr Jingshu stopped this whole thing from ever beginning, but it is just a though and I don't think things like that cross your mind when you see a kid rip his own arm off, but I guess we'll never truly know. All in all the interview was terrific but, there is always room for improve l and I hope my next interview goes even better and I will have even more information about this whole zombie war's origins. Until next time.